*ALL words in Bold=Ricardo, the rest YNSI
Each day this week I will GRATEFULLY highlight the ministries of other friends who have heard God's call to join Him in work HE is doing. They not only listened to God's voice but obeyed His call to action and are leading God's people in His work here and around the world.
Today's ministry is special because Monday's post was about a ministry that came as a direct result of today's ministry!
Turning Disciples into Disciple Makers
Dr. L. Douglas Dorman, President
Your Next Step Institute
PO Box 70519
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
"1 Thessalonians 2:7-8'But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children. Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us.'
If you are ready to take Your Next Step in being a disciple maker, we’d be delighted to have you as a student."
Those words ring true especially now as I approach a major move to another country to continue making disciple-makers for the Kingdom, for His glory and for His smile and for simple pure love of the French.
YNSI has given order and meaning to what I know and remember about the Old Testament while highlighting God's overall purpose to reconcile ALL PEOPLE to Himself. I am eager to grow even more in the New Testament course!
1. Twice in One Year
On Monday, January 3, 2011, YNSI is making a huge leap forward that we are ecstatic about. 2011 will be the first year that we offer YNSI twice in one year, YAY! We are looking to cover the New Testament during the first 9 weeks (This enables those who started the class in the Fall 2010 to finish the Bible). Then the new class will jump into the OT and finish by May 23rd. Wow, the whole Bible in one semester. It is really fun, informative and life transforming. Don't take my word for it, talk with one of our students. Then sign up as a student. Or just take my word for it and sign up today to become a student.
2. No Tuition
Each year I wrestle with how to include folks who want to come to YNSI but can't afford to. In 2011 we are going to experiment with a crazy idea....We are asking all incoming students to pledge monthly support to YNSI at any amount. That's right, any amount for 12 months. This way each student is contributing to the ministry but at a level that they are able.
3. Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:00 AM
The new class will meet twice a week. We will meet in the classroom on Monday mornings from 6:30 - 8:00 AM. AND we will meet in my living room on Wednesday mornings from 6:30 - 8:00 AM. This combination of class room and living room is a nice dance that teaches the head and touches the heart. Good times.
I am so sure it will change you irrevocably that I am willing to Sponsor someone for the entire course in 2011. First 2 respond!
Doug produces a Daily Devotion available by email. Subscribe at the YNSI WEBSITE ABOVE
Here is today's devotional which JUST HAPPENS to tackle a subject and city very close to our hearts!

Photo by John Michael Dorman
2 Samuel 22:50 NAS
"Therefore I will give thanks to You, O LORD,
among the nations,
And I will sing praises to Your name."
Yesterday, I mentioned that in 1982 I first visited England. That summer also marked my first visit to Paris. This so-called "City of Lights" was, to me, a dark place. My years of French proved unhelpful and the sense of lostness I felt was palpable. I left France with no desire to return. Years passed before I passed through the city again. On the fourth pass through, I was with my oldest son, John Michael. We were returning from Goma, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where we trained a group of pastors. Ironically, the Dark Continent, Africa, was shining bright with the hope of Christ. At the urging of a friend, John Michael and I decided to spend a couple of days in Paris and take a bike ride touring the city. During this bike ride, my view of Paris changed forever.
We began the tour at the Cathédrale Notre Dame de. Our first stop was the old Jewish wall. There we heard about the persecution of the Jews in Paris' past and it is there that my bike ride turned into a mission. I began praying for forgiveness for the city and for revival for Paris and for France. This secular city is becoming a very religious city. It's rejection of Christianity in favor of secular humanism is backfiring as it becomes increasingly a Muslim state.
Where light is rejected, darkness floods. Where light is received more light is given. Join me in praying for the cities of Europe. Join me in praying for the cities and towns and villages of America. We are in desperate need of a global revival. I'm thankful today that on two wheels I began to see a dark city in a different light. I began to see a glimmer of hope. I began to see that I have a responsibility to pray and thus shine the Light of Christ in dark places. Let's increase the wattage of our light. After all, God saw the darkness in us but did not give up on us after just one pass through.
Father, Thank You for not giving up on me. Thank You for delivering me from darkness and bringing me into the light of Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You that the very Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives within me. Amen.
Take Your Next Step
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