Today I thank God for Project James Founded by my dear friends Jeff and Rhonda Cole
Jeff is in Haiti as we speak leading a short-term team in ministry and construction as we speak!
Project James is a christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, widows, families and their communities to bring them into a living relationship with Jesus Christ through tackling the causes of poverty and injustice in their community.
We would like you to meet JJ. He is a three year old orphan from Haiti at Christian Light School. JJ came to the Christian Light School as a badly burned and starving little boy. He is one of the many beautiful children in the “Little Angles” pre-K program at his school. With his infectious smile and laughter, he is one of the many many reasons we do what we do to help in Haiti and other areas of the world.
Overview:Project James is a 501(c)(3) that seeks to make people aware of the plight of people who are suffering around the world and do something about it. Our organization name comes from James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this; to visit widows and orphans in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
Mission:Project James is raising money through monthly child sponsorships from the community of folks who believe in helping those who need a helping hand. Project James also leads teams on mission trips to the areas we are financially supporting so you may see where and how the funds are allocated.
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