4/8...April 8th is EASTER!!!
It's ALSO the anticipated
Receipt of Necessary Docs from France to Submit my Visa Application.
I can set an appointment with the French Embassy ONLY after I receive them!
Pray the process doesn't take the maximum 3 months!
I'm personally asking God that it take the legal minimum.
4/8 Easter iPAD Giveaway

Keehn Adoption Fundraiser
Each $10 is ONE entry.
100% helps adopt from Ethiopia!
To enter Click HERE
4/10 Conway Manor
Outreach to the Elderly
6:40 Worship, 7:00 Bingo
4/17 Les Miserables
Musical in Greenville,SC
Gift from my Clardy Family!
"To love another person
is to see the face of God"
4/19 In CONCERT as
Special Guest with...
Brandon Broughton, Friend,
Music Teacher in Charleston
"Turning Tables"-Adele
"Falling Slowly"-Once(Movie)
4/20 Invisible Children
"Cover The Night"
To Raise Awareness in the US
4/22 All Saints Ch. in DC
Presentation and Worship
4/24-5/4 NY Presentations
1 Thessalonians 2:7-8
But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the Gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.
Paul's words explain so clearly my heart for France!
1-April 8th is the anticipated
Reciept of Necesary Docs
from France to Complete
Visa Application
Pray the process doesn't take the maximum 3 months to complete!
2-Pray that by 3/31 all pledgers would have started giving their pledge monthly! I can't leave until 100% are giving.
3-In the works...
Invitation to NY!
Weekend of 4/29
4-Eglise de la Brie:
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