BRIEF Contest:(Gift Basket )February Week 3 ... Congratulations to...
The Antoninos!
AND....DRUM ROLL please...
WINNERS OF THE THE GRAND PRIZE=$ 50 Gift Certificate to the restaurant of their choice and the painting "Rises" by Caitlin Beidler
for the MOST NEW monthly support for the entire MONTH of February:
The Blantons!!!

$50 Gift Certificate for Top Connector!!!
1-Subscribe to this eNewsletter
2-Connect ONE GROUP
to this ministry now
to qualify :)
(FAQs and all details) Here's HOW:Giveaway Details
Answers to all your questions about how to enter and why.
Q-Isn't France a Catholic country and ALREADY evangelized?
A-Not anymore. Less than 2% of 60 MILLION people in France have a relationship with their Savior Jesus Christ as the only way to reconnect with God the Father. Few of that 2% share this or evangelize. Most are elderly. Many are immigrants who only worship in the language of their country on origin and don't expect to evangelize outsiders.
Q-What if my church doesn't support outside missionaries?
A-I don't actually ask churches to include me in their budget. Instead I ask them to let me share with the Congregation to invite people to partner with me individually.The church only gives the opportunity. No financial commitment from the church required but always welcome!
Q-How do I approach my group or church? What do I tell them about you?
A-Upon request I will either email or snail mail you a letter of Introduction and/or my brochure with information about the Church Plant in Brie and my official Commissioning by United World Mission!
Q-How do I "host"?
A-You invite at least one other person or family to a meeting over coffee or dessert, my treat. At a restaurant, coffee shop OR home(yours or theirs). Together WE share how God is working in France and offer them the opportunity to get involved.
Q-DO I win for the most people signed up of for the amount of monthly money pledged?
A-The winner is based on a simple tally of most new dollars pledged and started during the month of February. BUT the more people you sign up the greater the likelihood of bringing in the most new support.
Q-What if I live out of town?
A-I'll come to you at my own expense. If you don't have a guest room I can take care of my own lodgings as well. Distance is no obstacle because I'm ready and believe THIS is the time to finish up this effort and get to 100%
Q-What about groups like Rotary or Kiwanis? Bible studies? Churches?
A-I will speak share and or sing at ANY event to which YOU can secure US an invitation.
Q-Is there a minimum pledge?
A-Not really but I suggest at least $5. Your pledge comes with this incentive...
ALL MONTHLY PARTNERS have a FREE place to stay when they come to Paris!!!
If you have other questions just post them below, email, Tweet or Facebook me for a speedy response!
Facebook=Ricardo L. Walker
Past Winners
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