3/30 Fort Mill, SCCALENDAR
TC McSwain Small Group
of Transformation Church
W/Wayne+Kathryn Craig
3/30 Your Next Step
Theology Class held
at Beach Church
11:15 in Myrtle Beach, SC
More Info Click HERE
3/30 Joyeux Anniversaire!
Happy Birthday SIS!!!
Angela Walker-Sister, and me

4/8 Easter iPAD Giveaway

Keehn Adoption Fundraiser
Each $10 is ONE entry. 100% helps adopt from Ethiopia!
To enter Click HERE
4/10 Conway ManorOutreach to the Elderly
6:40 Worship, 7:00 Bingo,
Fellowship and Prayer
4/17 Les Miserables
Musical in Greenville,SC
Gift from my Clardy Family!
Merci mes amis!!!!
"To love another person is to see the face of God"
Fantine in Les Mis
4/19 In CONCERT as
Special Guest with...
Brandon Broughton, Friend,
Music Teacher in Charleston
4/20 Invisible Children
"Cover The Night"
US Campaign to Raise
Awareness in the US
4/22 All Saints Ch. in DC
Return for hopefully my FINAL?
Presentation and Worship

4/24-5/? NY Presentations
Inspired by The Pilgrimage this past Sunday.
My favorite line is:"Now my heart is set on a pilgrimage to Heaven's own Bright King"
at Beach Church
11:15 in Myrtle Beach, SC
More Info Click HERE
3/30 Joyeux Anniversaire!
Happy Birthday SIS!!!
Angela Walker-Sister, and me

4/8...April 8th is EASTER!!!
It's ALSO the anticipated
Receipt of Necessary Docs from France to Submit my Visa Application. I can set an appointment with the French Embassy ONLY after I receive them!
Pray the process doesn't take the maximum 3 months!
I'm personally asking God that it take the legal minimum.
It's ALSO the anticipated
Receipt of Necessary Docs from France to Submit my Visa Application. I can set an appointment with the French Embassy ONLY after I receive them!
Pray the process doesn't take the maximum 3 months!
I'm personally asking God that it take the legal minimum.
4/8 Easter iPAD Giveaway

Keehn Adoption Fundraiser
Each $10 is ONE entry. 100% helps adopt from Ethiopia!
To enter Click HERE
4/10 Conway Manor
6:40 Worship, 7:00 Bingo,
Fellowship and Prayer
4/17 Les Miserables
Musical in Greenville,SC
Gift from my Clardy Family!
Merci mes amis!!!!
"To love another person is to see the face of God"
Fantine in Les Mis
4/19 In CONCERT as
Special Guest with...
Brandon Broughton, Friend,
Music Teacher in Charleston
"Turning Tables"-Adele
"Falling Slowly"-Once(Movie)
"Falling Slowly"-Once(Movie)
4/20 Invisible Children
"Cover The Night"
US Campaign to Raise
Awareness in the US
4/22 All Saints Ch. in DC
Return for hopefully my FINAL?
Presentation and Worship
4/24-5/? NY Presentations
Inspired by The Pilgrimage this past Sunday.
My favorite line is:"Now my heart is set on a pilgrimage to Heaven's own Bright King"