Thursday, January 27, 2011

Text, Context and Supporting Texts

Text, Context and Supporting Texts
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Psalm 14:1
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God."

They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds;

There is no one who does good.

When it comes to studying Scripture, there are some guidelines that can be extremely helpful. Since we are 2000 years removed from the New Testament and even longer from the Old, how can we be certain that we are interpreting the Bible according to the intended meaning of the author? That is a great question. There are three steps that will greatly enhance the likelihood of accuracy. They are:

1. Text
2. Context
3. Supporting texts

Start by reading the biblical text. Read the books of the Bible in their entirety. Rather than pick an isolated chapter here or there or a verse here or there, read the Bible as it was written, in books. For example, read Matthew or Luke or the Psalms systematically, straight through. If you are reading a given verse or verses within a given book, it is important to remember its broader context. What sentences are immediately before it, what follows. For example, Psalm 14:1 says that "there is no God." Out of context, I could claim that the Bible teaches that "there is no God." However, if I look at the context, the verse actually says, "The fool has said in his heart, 'there is no God.'" This does make a difference in interpretation. The final step is to look at supporting texts. So, in the example above, you might look up additional times the word fool is used in the Bible. Or you could examine verses in Proverbs that outline characteristics of the wise and foolish person. This would give a fuller understanding of the "fool".

There are other principles that we could mention that are helpful in studying the Bible, but these three will take us a long way and will keep us from faulty views and pitfalls that have caused many to stumble. Take some time today to study your Bible. Remember, that study is simply the first step. Knowledge without obedience is incomplete.

Father, cause me to hunger and thirst for You and Your word. I need You. Fill me Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Take Your Next Step,

If you'd like to give to Your Next Step Institute, you can do so by visiting out website:
Your Next Step Institue

Or Mail your tax-deductible donation to:

Your Next Step Institute
PO Box 70519
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572

L. Douglas Dorman, President
Your Next Step Institute

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Kind of church I do, and Will attend...

The Kind of church I do, and Will attend...
This video IS the post today...It made me happy and sad and passionate about discipleship, evangelism, Missions, France, my next door neighbors...ALL at once!

There is no greater Poverty, Need or Lack than the Need for the Gospel.

35% and growing!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

With One Word-Shane&Shane

Ph 2:5-11ish In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage, rather, He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant
God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every namethat at the name of Jesus every knee should bowin heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

France friend-raising is going well. I'm headed to be with Team Brie outside Paris as soon as we reach 100%. We're at 34% today and growing. Pray for opportunities to share with more churches and small groups. Several friends are working on securing invitations to their small group or churches out of town! Pray about who God might have you connect to this Church-planting mission. Contact me with questions or suggestions or connections at
(843)446-3348 or at and have a blessed day!

There is no greater poverty than the NEED for the Gospel. France is at best only 5% and at worst 2% evangelical christian. Go. Or Send.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bienvenu! Welcome!

Bienvenu! Welcome!
Here's an update on the wonderful progress we are making together!  I also have hard-copy reply devices that can be mailed in. See me in person for these. Update and Mission details follow giving options.
Here are 3 sign-up options: A, B OR C

A-If you wanna sign up by telephone call Rilla Springstead, toll free
@ 1-800-825-5896, at ext. 104.  She'd be glad to help, too!

B-Get a hard-copy reply device from me that let's u give recurring or one-time and by CC or Check


C-If you wanna try giving by Credit Card online:
1-Go To (United World Mission)

(bottom middle block (Donate Online / Invest Globally)),

3-Click NEW DONORS (unless you've given before),

4-You'll be asked to create an account where you can make a one-time
OR recurring donation.

5-In comments section put Ricardo L. Walker 31348

France : Where. What (else). How. When. Who.
1-WHERE?    I will be joining the Brie church plant in the suburbs of Paris. Brie Church is Pastored by (French) Lorenzo and his wife Mary-Alice Monge and assisted by American Pastor Chris and Kirsten Furr, an American Missionary couple from United World Mission. I recently visited and interviewed with them and the UWM Team near Toulouse. After invitations from both were received we all agreed on placement with this team of church planters outside Paris!
2-WHAT?      I personally will assist in the church service and Kids ministry already underway as well as helping train the French in walking with Jesus (how to have a relationship with Him and with other believers, using the Bible as the Field Manual). The Kids ministry is very reminiscent of Big House when it was just 5 or 6 cast members!
WHAT ELSE?     I will get to teach English as a private tutor-for-hire in order to connect with more young adults aged 3 to 33! I love young people and discipling all ages!  : ) I was surprised and excited that I'll also officially get to continue making music for Jesus as part of the mission! The French are quite obsessed with African American "Gospel" singers. They think I am one, even after they hear me sing. "Gospel music" will allow me the opportunity to share the truth of the Gospel with even more people. I am so excited to see how God has prepared a place where His heart and work engages my abilities and availability! My time as a volunteer in the Worship Ministries of CUMC have perfectly prepared me for this opportunity!
3-HOW?      I need monthly partners to give sacrificially. I need to be able to sit down with you, your family, friends or lifegroup and share how you can be involved with praying and supporting this church plant! I'm excited that we have been adding new partners every week! I have been quoted as saying you can "give as little as the price of a cup of coffee per month." You can...but I really need folks to pray about giving more, sacrificially. I can NOT get there without your prayers AND financial giving. If $5 is sacrificial go for it. But maybe $50 or $100 a month is what your budget will allow AFTER YOUR TITHE. Now's the perfect time to make a year end tax-deductible gift AND to choose a monthly amount to budget and start giving in January 2011!
4-WHEN?      Start giving now. We have set a goal of February 9th 2011 to leave for final training. But I can NOT leave Myrtle Beach until 100% of my budget is covered (by monthly pledges for the full amount of my budget). With a few cuts and rearranging we have trimmed it from $6500 to $4500 per month. I have secured firmly 30% in folks who are already giving. I have another dozen or so couples who have not yet named their pledge amount but promise to do so by the New Year. I am hoping their combined sacrifice will put us at 50%. BUT we still need YOU.
5-WHO?      Team Brie is not only a partnership between United World Mission and France Mission, the supporting agency for the French Pastor. Several other churches in the US have recognized and prayerfully support this church plant. One of those churches is Northpoint in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. They have pledged resources and training. Today I opened my most exciting invitation to join the Leadership of Brie Church at Northpoint for the DRIVE training conference this Spring March 28-30, 2011. For info about DRIVE click here  This is yet another unforseen outstretched hand reminding me not only to trust God but that I am unable to anticipate anything half as good as what He plans!!! 
HOW CAN YOU HELP?     Invite me to your home or small group to share. Then...Tell your least one other person, couple or family who you think would be encouraged by your testimony on my and France's behalf. Then invite them over for coffee and dessert and more importantly endorse this Mission by lending your voice in support. I'll even provide the dessert (if necessary) if YOU will host a sit-down meeting with you, that friend or couple, and me. 
I am asking for your help. I'm not asking just because I am honored by your prayers or even because I think you can give. I may be good at teaching and foreign languages but I am NOT the best at this, not alone. I am asking for your help. Because I need your help in whatever form you can offer it. Both of UWM's missionary couples already in France really left me convicted to NOT do this alone in spite of my dread of imposing on people. Both took much longer than they expected to get in the field!
I am officially commissioning all of you as Honorary Support-Raisers and Ambassadors for the Gospel, to France in this case. You are free to contribute prayers, postage, return address labels, prayers, thank you cards, fund-raising ideas, your home, baked goods, fellowship time with your family, advice,  contacts with other churches or givers, prayers or even a free basement to live in while I transition to work less and raise support more. There, it's all out on the table. I know you ALL believe this is God's will. I am asking you to help it come to pass. Thank you in advance for however the Spirit moves you to do that!
I want to close with this. Beginning now I committ to devote the time and energy to support-raising that I would to a full-time job.I was laid off right before the Vision Trip/ Interview with both Teams in France 11/26-12/7 2010. My laptop was stolen and has already been replaced by God's provision. I will receive it in a few days!!! Thankfully Unemployment covers all of my bills, if not my wants, lol. It will last at least until June if necessary. Let's pray it won't be necessary! *wink*
Thank the dozens of you who have been praying for this culmination of what God has been doing for years now! You have supported it with your prayers, and gifts and now God is drawing others to do the same. You have been a picture of God's faithfulness,,in person, to me-Jesus with skin on! Thank you!!!