Thursday, July 23, 2009

A week in the Life

It's been a crazy good week already even though I'm on furlough from work for the next month!
New sponsors whose finances improved enough for them to make a 1st time pledge!
Some reunions and encounters that were God at his surprising best!
A couple of affirmations that even thru all my flaws the joy of the Lord that is MY strength is somehow visible.
Man night! We ate burgers with 3 different meats. Bacon, Beef, and Hotdog. More importantly we chewed on the WORD and the power of the Gospel. We lamented where the Bride of Christ is lacking and explored how she might again gain her effectiveness and Spirit-led beauty. We lifted high the Christ of repentance and redemption. We confronted our own personal idols and blind spots. There were moments where I knew that not the man before me but God himself was speaking to us.
I am trying to harness the gift that time was into preparing for my Presentation on Missions in France this Sunday.
Please pray for an end to a 4 day bout with congestion. And please pray thru Sunday that God would guide me to share the most compelling testimony of this calling to Foreign Missions with one aim: Glorifying Him.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Disciplemaking, TMP Summer Program, France Update

I know it's been too long. I am actually proud for once that my time has been spent MOSTLY doing the things I talk about and teach. I was introduced almost 2 weeks ago to Colby. Let's just say he has some major obstacles to overcome that most of us don't face including being newly homeless. We really worked hard together and trusted God to provide...and HE did! A job and a place to live!!! He is receptive and open to God but his prior studies of other religions are hindering true faith in One God whose Son purchased salvation thru his death and resurrection. We're readin and studyin the gospels, some of Paul's letters, and The Case for faith by Lee Strobel. In it Strobel sets out to prove God CAN"T exist. He ends up convincing himself that the only logical and acceptable response to all the scientific, spiritual, archeological, and literary evidence is to CONFIRM His existence and begin a relationship wih HIM! Please pray that this is what happens or Colby.
Summer Program 2009 at Teach My People has flown by. We re-learned Ephesians 6:10-18 about Spiritual Warfare and worked our way through a new study of Philippians 4:4-9,13. This passage has challenged the kids and teachers to live so that we 1-make God smile, 2- make others smile, or 3 help other people (which thus accomplishes all 3). The apex of the passage for us were the things upon which we are reminded to think...."whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever I admirable..." All TRUTH comes only from God. He has revealed what is right and wrong as part of His long-term plan to grow us into all the potential we had at the CREATION and our own conception. Purity was and can only be accomplished perfectly by Jesus. We can only reach it by "trading hearts with Jesus" so that God sees us as pure as His own Son. We stay Pure by daily staying connected to God in worship, study, service, and prayer (asking10% and listening 90%). Sometimes we will make mistakes but we can be forgiven. Our heart's goal, though, must always be aimed at doing what's right, true, and pure. BUT even if we fail God still loves us. Not only did He declare everyTHING He created GOOD or LOVE-LY (worthy of His love)...He also finds everyONE LOVE-LY, even when we do wrong by accident and on purpose.
Perhaps the most stunning part of my planning for the daily lessons was when I began to look at some of the fearsome things God calls good. Sharks. Bears. Sloths. Amoebae. Cow patties. We judge somehing's ability to elicit or deserve love by it's outer beauty or by it's usefulness. God seems to love things and people because HE, MORE THAN ANYONE, UNDERSTANDS WHAT OR WHO HE CREATED AND WHY HE CREATED IT/THEM. No one else can tell you who YOU are except the God who loves and created you.
Inside I was actually weeping as I verbalized/testified to how sometimes the people telling us we are nothing...are our families or friends. My kids are all at-risk with difficult or unreliable home environments. I KNEW that for the first time they were receiving the TRUTH that they can be all they dream IN CHRIST and that God created them just as LOVE-ABLE as everyone else!
The crowning TRUTH everyday was that we CAN'T...but (verse 13) we can do the things He WANTS and HAS already PLANNED if we depend only on HIS strengthen. The first day I challenged them to memorize the entire passage and offered a prize to anyone who could best me in recitation. I can't tell you how much it blessed me to hear 1st-5th graders tart at the beginning, keep up with me, and finish the WHOLE THING. "I can do evrything through HIM who gives me strength!"
The Program is ending 2 wks early mainly due to the high costs of payroll. I'll be off almost 5 wks. Pray that our filing for unemployment succeeds. TMP sai they won't contest the filing since we're out so long. In any case it gives me all of 5 full weeks to focus FULL-TIME on getting to FRANCE as a FULL-TIME permanent Missionary! I'm adding new partners very slowly but still encouraged. I have a presentation to the entire congregation at Christ United Methodist Church on Sunday July 26th. Will you begin praying daily for hearts prepared to break for the LOST SHEEP of France? Will you come that day? Would you tell you friends and baker, barber, postman, and co-workers (where appropriate) so they can come, too? Because of the Economy and financial instability I'm hovering around 20% in actual monthly donations, but a little more if you count all of those who have pledged to give.
I would end by challenging you to remember that the Great Commission is not only for folks in FULL-TIME Ministry and it doesn't mean that you have to go overseas to reach LOST people. You are a Missionary every day at work, to your neighbors, at school, on the highway, in the grocery store. Your life lived to it's fullest purity, righteousness, loveliness, and JOY in HIM is the best Mission Statement you can make and the BEST Testimony you could ever give!

$100 video competition Vote Mon-Sun 20-26 of July 7 votes total

I AM TRYIN TO WIN $100 AGAIN. You can see the cover of Yesterday by the Beatles at the link below. You CAN"T VOTE Until MONDAY. BUT YOU CAN vote EVERY DAY Mon-Sun .FROM July 20-26. 7 days, 7votes. You can also forward the links to friends. Thanks also for comment. Comments and ratings also help increase votes from other folks on the site.